Release the "mommy guilt," cut yourself some slack and take a little "me" time. I'm hoping to combine a cup of fact, and sprinkle in just enough of my own experience along with a dash of my failures to help you see that no matter the recipe you are a better mother than you give yourself credit for! If you have come looking for perfect punctuation and spelling, well then you are in the wrong place. In fact I am totally one of those people who use punctuation as an accessory. Ya know? Like hair bows.

If you need REAL advice from REAL working and stay at home mom's on pregnancy, childbirth and everything from the newborn to teenage year's. You have come to the right place! Sit back, relax, contribute your comments and......don't forget to take time to smell the baby lotion.

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Sweet, sweet summer.....

It's the end folks. August is here and do you know what that means? Silly hu? Of course you do. We're all mom's here, or dad's or grandma's, aunties, or baby sitters or teachers and with the exception of the teachers we are all rejoicing. Why's that?  August signals the return to school! 
Don't get me wrong. I love having my babies home and I loath the school year schedule, but....when my kids are at school and then have their activities after school. My house stays SO clean.
I got to talking with one of my friends the other day. Her first born is starting kindergartenen this year. Oh I remember that! It's so scary to watch your baby go into the big, big world of the unsecured playground. (I know that schools say they are secure, but chain link around the property doesn't count when it's my baby they are protecting. Lol) Anyhow, what do we do about the kindergarten check up? Or the Jr. High, or whatever reason we are fighting with our kids to get them to the Dr. We are taking them to some stranger who is gonna do "that" to them. You know......give them SHOTS!

I found the cutest link today. We all know Big Bird. We LOVE Big Bird. What's not to love about the big yellow guy. Well the geniuses behind Sesame Street have an interactive page guessed it! Visiting the Dr. It gives you instructions and the activity. Lists which Sesame Street episode goes with the activity.  Go to if I managed to post that right it should take you to the exact activity. The activity is geared for children ages 2-6 but frankly, I just made my 10 and 13 yr olds watch it and they loved it!

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